Monday, November 3, 2014

Far too late, many dollars short.

Was doing some random Youtube browsing before sleep time and stumbled across this video from Yeager. I'm not sure how I feel about him overall, but I've definitely gotten useful info from his Youtube Channel in more than one case, including this one. The point is, I've been lazy (discouraged?) with the EDG project and his suggestions here I feel have (I think) reinvigorated me somewhat. Had some issues with recorded videos and ended up losing a lot of camera time, and it frustrated me quite a bit. Expect to see videos occurring again in the coming month, going to do my darndest to dedicate a few bucks to a new digital camera and a tripod, and I WILL get back to a regular output of videos : ].

Thanks for being interested in just an Everyday guy's opinions and thoughts!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

$633 budget AR build.

Quick followup to my last post. I believe that most every household in America should own a semi-automatic, magazine fed, standard capacity (20+ rds) rifle. The Founding Fathers envisioned a militia of citizens prepared to rise up out of their homes to defend the nation should the need arise (against threats foreign or domestic, but that's a different discussion), and it's tough to do that without relatively modern firearm technology. (Side note: ARs and AKs really aren't even modern... designed in 1957 and 1946/47 respectively. Wouldn't call a 65 year old car or computer "modern" would we?)

A friend asked about the "cheapest AR I can build" so that he, as the head of his household, could join the ranks of rifle owning private citizens. Now... we want it to run, but within reason I put together a second list to try and cut out some additional cost. There are a couple of places I'll still be recommending a very small cost increase for some upgrade or another, but still wanted to give the lower cost choice as an option.

Completed Upper: $415 Del-Ton 16" Discovered that Del-Ton sells their uppers directly for slightly less and with free shipping, so I'll be getting my upper there now. The one I'm suggesting for my friend has a 16" barrel again, but a mid-length gas system and an M4 profile barrel since weight is not as much a concern as for Mrs. EDG's build. Stuck with the Del-Ton upper over some possibly cheaper choices because they are known for being well-functioning and accurate for the cost.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Thoughts on the EDG's first AR-15 (build).

Sure, you could go all medieval on it like this guy and build your own "Assault Weapon" from a gardening tool (which is frickin' awesome by the way), but let's be honest, when it comes to putting together a modern, self-loading rifle, the AR-15 platform takes the cake. Now, while starting a little earlier in the process and building from an 80% lower receiver is something I am interested in doing at some point, it makes a ton of sense for a first time AR owner to build from a stripped lower.

So, about a week, maybe 2 weeks ago I started thinking through the possibility of doing just that...

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The love/hate I have with Ruger.

I love Ruger, you know that? I also hate Ruger... Of course, many people have heard of the compromises that Bill Ruger suggested and advocated many times, resulting in legislation directly opposed to the desires of the responsible gun owner. That's not the issue at hand for me. It was unfortunate, it wasn't good, we should take it as a lesson on compromise, but we can't go back in time and it doesn't affect how I feel about Sturm, Ruger & Co. now. However, I really feel like Ruger could be 2 separate companies, a good one and a crappy one.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

New FBI pistol. What's it to you?

The FBI has released a notice that they will begin testing and evaluation for a new service pistol beginning in the first quarter of 2015. Without repeating everything listed in the official notice of pre-solicitation, basically, they will be entertaining bids for 9mm pistols in both a "Service Size" of 4.5 - 5.5" barrel length holding 15+ rounds and a compact/mid size 3.75 - 4.25" barreled pistol holding 13+. They also are requiring a red training pistol with a resetting trigger and a blue Simunitions training pistol. Now, how is this interesting to the everyday gun owner?

Friday, July 18, 2014

Pistols suck really really bad...

Below is a still shot from the .45 ACP 230gr HST vs 220gr +P Critical Duty test we ran as one of our first 10% gel tests. The wound trail, specifically out of the HST (bottom left star pattern), is VERY solid for a pistol round. We still need to run tests on some other self defense loads out of the EDG pistols (definitely interested in looking at a .45 Golden Saber after our 9mm comparo...), but after seeing results from 8 different premium self defense pistol rounds, I think I have a decent grasp on it.

And I have to say, pistols are sooo baaaad...

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Pick on someone your own size...

Politically conservative women seem to be the favorite target amongst internet crazies these days. Look, I understand, most of those who get harassed know what they are getting into when they start their Facebook/Twitter or whatever, but since when do men people (don't deserve the first term) feel like they have the right to not just disagree with, not just pick on, but severely threaten and berate these girls on social media? If they started ripping on me, whatever,

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Fight back!

Pictured: Not a victim (Massad Ayoob[Massad Ayoob Group] & Julianna[A Girl and a Gun])

"Baltimore City police are investigating two assaults and robberies that happened within 24 hours of each other in Canton...

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Is a Zero Tolerance policy bigotry?

Are "Zero Tolerance" policies at a school bigotry? calls bigotry "stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own." says a bigot is "one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance." That sounds very much like a zero tolerance policy to me... Bigotry is not just related to race or gender. It is a term that can be applied to anything. Imagine if we got politicians to start admitting their bigotry towards guns of all kinds? Toy or real? Addressed it like every other method of bigotry? Get the ridiculous "politically correct" thing to work for us?

Read this story if you want to know what I'm coming at this from. The level of "stubborn and complete intolerance of any...opinion that differs from one's own" and treating someone from another group with intolerance is remarkable. I don't see how you can be the level of stupid displayed in this story and still have a stamp of approval as an educator.

At BEST, Zero Tolerance policies in school are shear laziness. A conscious, pre-determined decision to NOT think through each situation as it comes to you in leadership? That's the worst sort of training you could give to children. What if a judge did that? Pre-determined how he was going to deal with each case based on what the accusation was, without taking into account the surrounding circumstances. Yeah, we'd all want him fired...

Saturday, June 7, 2014

A compatible ammo rifle/pistol combo?

This thought originally came from Michael Bane while he was discussing the carrying of defensive arms in a non-permissive state. The idea being, what would the ideal pistol/rifle battery be for vehicle carry if you were in a state that disallowed guns that help over 10 rounds. His initial thought and what he ended up settling on was a mag-fed Browning BLR lever gun in .223 to go along with a .357 mag revolver. Mr. Bane did however, discuss on his podcast the possibility of both a .357 or .44 mag only set of guns.

To me... it's just cool. What gun person HASN'T thought about purchasing a .44 Magnum revolver at some point (come on now, we all know about Dirty Harry and his Model 29). So with the thought that a .44 revolver is already in play, it just seems like a very fun idea to get a lever action rifle in the same caliber.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Where has the Everyday Gunner blog gone!?

Well... "no where" is the answer. I should be getting the post for the 12ga slug test up over the weekend. My efforts have been diverted somewhat by writing for The Truth About Guns! No, I haven't been signed on as a writer... but I did have an article published by them and have sent a couple others along as entries into a writing contest they are running currently.

So if you are missing out on your EDG writing fix (because clearly, I have so many rabid fans...) check out my article here, and keep an eye out for the couple additional articles I sent their way since the first was published. No guarantee that they'll make the cut, but you can always hope : ]

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Am I a hypocrite for NOT carrying a portable med-kit?

I'll post the full infographic below, and no I haven't bothered to check the sources, but the point here, and something gun rights people often hit, is that guns are NOT a statistically significant danger in the US. Of course, there are also the many defensive gun uses that never require a shot to be fired (bad guy approaches, normal guy begins to draw, bad guy runs), but for the sake of this discussion, lets stick with the relatively firm death statistics.

With that in mind, is it a little disingenuous for a conceal handgun license holder like myself to carry a firearm regularly, but make little to no effort to mitigate the risk from many other higher statistical dangers? The truth of the matter is, I am much more likely to come across a random "unintentional injury" or "vehicular accident" than I am to...

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Glock no longer equals perfection!?!

 Since 1982, a single name has dominated the striker fired, polymer framed pistol market, and has largely dominated the conceal carry market because of it. That name of course, is Glock.

Now, there have been others, and relatively recently, we've even seen some very successful competitors in that space. Things like the Smith & Wesson M&P pistols and Springfield Armory's XD series have acquitted themselves quite well. My daily carry gun is a Springfield Armory XD-S .45 in fact, so the Everyday Gunner has no bone to pick with the current generation of polymer pistols. However, there has really been little to no true advancement...

Friday, May 2, 2014



We have started a Facebook page for the Everyday Gunner to follow along with us. Check us out at for 1 daily firearms related post, and updates on upcoming video projects. Having the Facebook doesn't help us at all financially, just do it to pass information along to you, the Gunner, and (hopefully) drive a few more views to the Youtube videos. So help us out by sharing our videos and like the page to see 1 daily bit of information and comments on upcoming projects!

6-way 9mm Defense Load Comparison

Most ambitious of our tests thus far (Part 1 above). Comparing 6 different Self Defense loads out of the...

Friday, April 25, 2014

The 2nd Amendment and the Efficiency of Militia Act of 1903

This blog is a bit of a look at facets of the gun law situation in the US, if you're an out of country viewer (I'm talking to you, guy/gal who is giving us views in Germany!), I hope you find it interesting anyhow.

The language of the Second Amendment of course states that (my paraphrase)...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

7.62x39 AK-47 FMJ Photos

Front to back look at each gel block laid out after the cut.

The front of the second block. Can really see the bullet...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Steel Cased 7.62x39 FMJ Gel Test

As a bit of a followup to the PDX1 in 7.62x39 test, I decided to bring just the random, cheap, steel cased FMJ that's probably loaded into the vast majority of AK and SKS magazines out there...

Monday, April 14, 2014

.32 Winchester Special Remington Core-Lokt 170gr Photos

Picture taken for the Youtube thumbnail and as a personal picture for myself. Shows the the Winchester Model 1894, the Bowie knife from my grandfather, and left to right, an unfired .32, the casing, and the expanded bullet.

More photos after the jump...

Winchester Model 94 .32 Special Gel Test

The next video in our testing series is a bit of a throwback. We brought out a Winchester Model 94 that was made in the 1940s, according to my serial number research. This gun was given to my father by my grandfather about 15 years ago when I was a young teen, and he held it until he recently gave it to me. I may try my hand at deer hunting with this rifle in the near future, so between that and just the cool factor of firing a 103 year old cartridge out of a rifle designed 110 years ago...

Friday, April 11, 2014

When life gives you lemons...

The tracking info on most (already have 100gr Pow'R Ball & 147gr HSTs on hand) of the 9mm ammo that we intended to test this weekend, puts the estimate on its arrival 2 days after our available filming day. So the downside is that we won't be able to release the previously teased comparison of 9mm loads until the weekend after Easter most likely. On the bright side, it that does allow for 2 positives.

First, you'll get to see 2 separate tests in the place of the Nine roundup! We'll go ahead and launch a 123gr FMJ out of the SAM7SF into a block of gel, just to see how it compares to the PDX1. It seems that the 7.62x39 has a reputation as an excellence threat stopper regardless of the bullet being fired, so we'll put that to the test.

A real treat though, will be the revealing of the venerable Winchester 1894 lever gun in .32 Winchester Special from the depths of the EDG safe. A rare cartridge derived from the classic .30-30 Winchester, I'm very interested personally to see what a big slow Soft Point slug does in the gel. The gun itself, according to a serial number lookup, is from the '40s, and was passed to me through my father from my grandfather.

The second primary benefit, in my judgement, is that we will be getting a fresh batch of 10% gelatin mixed up for the 9mm test. While it is generally accepted that melting down the gel and re-molding is a fine practice, I can only see it as a negative, however so slight, over time through either water evaporation or contamination by bullet fragmenting and whatnot. While due to financial reasons, we likely won't be going to the Clear Ballistics gel quite yet, it will give us the chance to get a fresh mix and test the personal defense ammunition in as close to the "official" 10% gelatin as we can afford, can get our hands on, and have expertise for in the Everyday Gunner workshop.

So, stay tuned to The Channel for the videos we'll be working on this weekend and those a little farther down the road.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The price of testing.

I'm pretty excited about our next test and wanted to give a sneak peak, while at the same time taking a chance to whine a bit. (An action for which my >2 year old son gets in trouble regularly.)

Well again, like the gel, I find myself spending a bit more than I expect on the EDG project. Our next test will show the Beretta 92FS come out of the Everyday Gunner safe to fire a battery of top end 9mm defensive loads. While I'm sure a guy like Hickok45 spends more than that in a single filming day just for plinking ammo (have you seen all the casings carpeting the ground in his videos?!), it still hurts the everyday guy who has a couple guns and a few terrible cameras to do some filming with. But what can I say, it's too much fun to NOT to keep on going!

So do me a favor, head over to, subscribe, and keep your eyes open for the 9x19 comparison and a couple other videos that will be coming out soon.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

.45 HST vs Critical Duty Photos

Just a neat picture I took for myself. Look how similar the expanded HST is to the picture on the box. Remarkably consistent.

More after the jump...

45 ACP Federal HST vs Hornady Critical Duty

Second in our testing series is a comparison between 2 of the top tier 45 AUTO defensive loads on the market. Most of the EDG contributor crew use .45 ACP pistols as their regular carry. So looking at the .45 was a logical step. My personal internet research on terminal ballistics had led me to choose the Federal HST 230gr...

Friday, April 4, 2014

PDX1 7.62x39 Gel Test Photos

Good picture of the damage on the back of the 1st cutaway block of gel.

More after the jump...

Winchester PDX1 7.62x39 Gel Test

Ladies and Gentlemen... I'd like to introduce you to the Everyday Gunner Youtube channel!

This test was the inspiration for the whole thing. The videos, the site, EDG in general. I was looking for a home defense 7.62x39, and since I personally can't bring myself to treat anything designed to "kill zombies" as a serious contender, I was left with (basically) the PDX1 for my Arsenal SAM7SF as an expanding load designed from the ground up to stop threats in the home...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The long and winding road to 10% Ballistic Gelatin...

Making ballistic gel in your own home is... relatively easy. If you are super patient and don't set unrealistic expectations of either time or cost.

First of all, creating two 6x6x16ish blocks requires some 7 gallons of gelatin mix. That means you're looking at ~$130 in gelatin powder alone. 

Having made the gelatin mix once and melted it back down 2 times (now that we've finished filming our first 2 tests [videos coming by the end of the week!]), I would be fairly confident in my ability...

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Welcome to the Everyday Gunner!

Welcome to the EDG blog. We'll be posting some additional show notes and comments about each of our Youtube videos here. You can also expect to get some behind the scenes of the startup process as we continue to get the website ( and the Youtube channel ( off the ground.

For example... Here is the raw photo of what's (hopefully) going to become our new profile picture : ]

It's great to have you here, stick around for the ride!
