Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Am I a hypocrite for NOT carrying a portable med-kit?

I'll post the full infographic below, and no I haven't bothered to check the sources, but the point here, and something gun rights people often hit, is that guns are NOT a statistically significant danger in the US. Of course, there are also the many defensive gun uses that never require a shot to be fired (bad guy approaches, normal guy begins to draw, bad guy runs), but for the sake of this discussion, lets stick with the relatively firm death statistics.

With that in mind, is it a little disingenuous for a conceal handgun license holder like myself to carry a firearm regularly, but make little to no effort to mitigate the risk from many other higher statistical dangers? The truth of the matter is, I am much more likely to come across a random "unintentional injury" or "vehicular accident" than I am to...

...come across a deadly force encounter in the course of my lifetime. If my logic is that I intend to be "prepared for the worst" by being armed, shouldn't I be prepared for all of the "worst" scenarios?

The odds are pretty strong that I would need something like the D.A.R.K....

...from Dark Angel Medical, before I would ever need to actually fire my gun in self defense. Look, I get it, slapping the D.A.R.K. on your belt or pocketing a Pocket Life Saver from the guys at Student of the Gun isn't NEARLY as sexy as tossing a Springfield XD-S .45 and Alabama Holster Co. round bottom...

...into your front pocket. However, it's something I'm considering and something I think any "honest" good guy should at least think about.

Check out our videos on Youtube! That's the only way we get anything back for our efforts at the moment, so don't be shy. Full infographic below.

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