Monday, April 14, 2014

Winchester Model 94 .32 Special Gel Test

The next video in our testing series is a bit of a throwback. We brought out a Winchester Model 94 that was made in the 1940s, according to my serial number research. This gun was given to my father by my grandfather about 15 years ago when I was a young teen, and he held it until he recently gave it to me. I may try my hand at deer hunting with this rifle in the near future, so between that and just the cool factor of firing a 103 year old cartridge out of a rifle designed 110 years ago...

...into a relatively modern test medium, we decided to bring out some Remington Core-Lokt 170gr Soft Points for testing.

So here are some notes I thought of as I watched the uploaded Youtube video for the first time, with corresponding video times listed.

:20 Had to drive 5 hours to where a Cabelas had no .32 Special ammo, but I managed to find 3 boxes at a Bass Pro. That was after searching for it for months upon months.
1:08 Including the (I think) 1 shot I took as a kid when we got the gun, I've fired less than 10 rounds through it so far including the 1 for this test.
1:40 I always manage to catch the rim on the edge of the loading port when trying to run them in there...
1:45 Safe on these guns is a half-cock position, hence the hammer let down. This is part of why DA/SA semi-autos with no decocker don't really bother me, I'm used to working the hammer from handling rifles like this and DA revolvers.
2:00 Impressive that you can actually see gel damage from even our terrible camera 12 feet away.
4:42 See that block sliding around? The gel is INCREDIBLY slick on that laminate table surface once it gets wet.
5:40 First jug*... Obviously stayed in the first one, not the second.
6:20 I remember the day my grandfather pulled that very knife, old and beat up looking, out of the bottom of a woodbox full of kindling for his fireplace. I'm sure it was some cheap old knife he used to chop up wood, but it meant alot to me.

No Q&A segment for this video, wanted to get it posted up as quickly as possible, so I didn't wait to get feedback from Mrs. EDG or "Rob" in Texas. Check back for their Qs for the next video we do! Check the blog for the next post of still pics I'll be posting for this video.

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