Sunday, August 3, 2014

New FBI pistol. What's it to you?

The FBI has released a notice that they will begin testing and evaluation for a new service pistol beginning in the first quarter of 2015. Without repeating everything listed in the official notice of pre-solicitation, basically, they will be entertaining bids for 9mm pistols in both a "Service Size" of 4.5 - 5.5" barrel length holding 15+ rounds and a compact/mid size 3.75 - 4.25" barreled pistol holding 13+. They also are requiring a red training pistol with a resetting trigger and a blue Simunitions training pistol. Now, how is this interesting to the everyday gun owner?

Well, lets get some info out of the way first... Since 1997, the FBI has been issuing the Glock 23 in .40 S&W to their Special Agents. tells us that as of 10/31/13 they had 13,598 agents. So right up front, when the FBI does select a new pistol... we know that 14,000 some odd G23s will make their way to shops around the country as FBI surplus.

Sorry, no luck finding a 9mm/.40 side by side alone.

However, and more importantly, there will be many police departments that have used the FBI's approved sidearm and caliber list as a guide for their own that will move to a 9mm pistol as well. This could free up many many more thousands of .40 S&W Glocks and possibly even some Sigs and Smith and Wesson M&P40s to move into the surplus market. If there is a large enough exodus of .40 pistols, we could see a multi-year stretch of very affordable surplus guns become available.

Side note on timing... We all saw what CAN happen to firearm pricing in an election year during both the 2008 and particularly 2012/13 (with the addition of Sandy Hook murders). If the FBI makes a decision by mid/late 2015, giving time for guns to be make it to market near the end of the year, that could definitely be the time to pounce. Waiting longer could very well result in the 2016 presidential elections pushing gun prices up across the board again (especially with our dear Mrs. Clinton running). Of course, who knows if the FBI will move that quickly in the first place. (H/T SotG)

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