Sunday, August 31, 2014

Thoughts on the EDG's first AR-15 (build).

Sure, you could go all medieval on it like this guy and build your own "Assault Weapon" from a gardening tool (which is frickin' awesome by the way), but let's be honest, when it comes to putting together a modern, self-loading rifle, the AR-15 platform takes the cake. Now, while starting a little earlier in the process and building from an 80% lower receiver is something I am interested in doing at some point, it makes a ton of sense for a first time AR owner to build from a stripped lower.

So, about a week, maybe 2 weeks ago I started thinking through the possibility of doing just that...

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The love/hate I have with Ruger.

I love Ruger, you know that? I also hate Ruger... Of course, many people have heard of the compromises that Bill Ruger suggested and advocated many times, resulting in legislation directly opposed to the desires of the responsible gun owner. That's not the issue at hand for me. It was unfortunate, it wasn't good, we should take it as a lesson on compromise, but we can't go back in time and it doesn't affect how I feel about Sturm, Ruger & Co. now. However, I really feel like Ruger could be 2 separate companies, a good one and a crappy one.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

New FBI pistol. What's it to you?

The FBI has released a notice that they will begin testing and evaluation for a new service pistol beginning in the first quarter of 2015. Without repeating everything listed in the official notice of pre-solicitation, basically, they will be entertaining bids for 9mm pistols in both a "Service Size" of 4.5 - 5.5" barrel length holding 15+ rounds and a compact/mid size 3.75 - 4.25" barreled pistol holding 13+. They also are requiring a red training pistol with a resetting trigger and a blue Simunitions training pistol. Now, how is this interesting to the everyday gun owner?